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In the Eyes of a Beholder | Sophia Verai

Updated: May 11, 2024

I'd draw him if I knew how -

Trace the line of his back and his brow

Touch him lightly with a pencil

Frame him by a windowsill

Embellishment is dangerous.

It softens and sweetens

Muffles and blurs until

The sugar rush deepens

To a high that can kill

Still, I'd touch him lightly with a pencil.

Embroidering bits of poetry

Into someone's soul until it's

More mine than theirs

Or not there at all.

Embellishment distracts.

You are thoughtful and kind

And lovely and true

And everything my mind

Attributes to you.

Aren't you?

Roses and marigolds

Picked out in red

Thicken the blindfold

As my hands pull the thread

Roses in my eyes

My hands blind me too

When I at last see his eyes

I think "This isn't you."

Embellishment destroys.

I've fabricated you. 

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