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Plan B | Kane Mesa

I think it’s fair to say that Brexit up to now has been a complete joke. Theresa May’s government has constantly failed to establish a satisfactory deal for both Parliament and the People. Time after wretched time she has come up with plans which have spectacularly failed. Most notably last week’s deal was the biggest failure that any Prime Minister has ever had. Yet, despite extraordinary discontent within both Parliament (2 Votes of No Confidence) and the public, May has miraculously held on to power by the skin of her teeth. Ever since Cameron resigned after June 26th 2016 (Brexit Referendum), the country and the Government has been steadily collapsing. It seems disheartening to see that we are reflecting our cousins in America. Where England should be more civilised and tolerant, May and, to a certain degree, the British public, have proven ourselves to be incompetent. Our current government consists of buffoons with no degree of understanding of what the people want. Personally, I believe a second referendum should be held. Although it seems optimistic, we can only hope that we have learned from this pathetic excuse of democracy and can fully comprehend what a departure entails. The EU have already shown a willingness to accept our re-entry.

To fully understand the stupidity of May and why we truly need a second referendum, let’s consider her strategy. She paid thousands of pounds to a lorry company to reflect the misguided notion that Britain can handle the mass migration involved. Where Dover receives an influx of 8,000 lorries a day, she had hired 200. The logic is a bit vague, don’t you think? Moreover, her government paid hundreds of thousands of pounds to a ferry company that had no experience; barely any employees and, Oh! No Ferries! Once again, tax money is being recklessly wasted on pet projects from May to bide her time and increase the hate that we are developing for her. All I can say is that I hope we see sense and either change Prime Ministers, or change Brexit.

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