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Apr 11, 20206 min read
COVID-19, The “Chinese Virus” | Wei Htoo
When a need to get the point across outweighs the safety of a group of people, on a national level… Since the first reported cases of...
Nov 29, 20194 min read
Prisoners – The New Slaves | Rama Aowidah
The only way we have made improvements to our previous society is by questioning the moral obliquity present in certain aspects of our...
May 20, 20192 min read
The Unknown Famine Crime In Yemen | Alaa El-Hannach
Very little mainstream media has given any attention to the famine currently happening in Yemen and the devastating effects it has had on...
May 7, 20193 min read
Environmentally Friendly Baby Steps | J Martin
After having been introduced on Wednesday by Labour, MPs have passed a motion making the UK parliament the first in the world to delare...
May 1, 20193 min read
Are The Effects of Global Warming “Fair”? | Alaa El-Hannach
As we all know, global warming is having detrimental effects on the planet. Sea levels have risen and continue to rise, there has been...
Mar 10, 201911 min read
Hijabs & Hysteria | Sadia Ahmed
Photograph: muslim abaya | Tumblr “Do you sleep with that on?” “Do you shower with that on?” “I don’t think girls should be allowed to...
Mar 4, 20193 min read
“There’s no Planet B” and the meaning of the climate change movement | Vanesa Dimitrova
“I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic” says Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg “You are not mature enough to...
Feb 11, 20194 min read
Venezuela: Instability and Insurrection| Etta Selim
A year ago, information about the Venezuelan crisis was surprisingly scarce. Only a small cluster of conflicting ideas lurked in the...
Jan 23, 20192 min read
Plan B | Kane Mesa
I think it’s fair to say that Brexit up to now has been a complete joke. Theresa May’s government has constantly failed to establish a...
Nov 9, 20183 min read
Are we being honest with young people?| Yinka Aresa
This autumn ONS has released a series of articles exploring young people’s earnings, education and employment, culminating in a...
Oct 2, 20187 min read
Human Rights: Universal or a Western Construct? | Alessia Ciocanea
In this essay, human rights will be defined as the ideals belonging to all mankind, inherent to personhood, by which cultures attempt to...
Sep 1, 20182 min read
Mia on Moran on Benefits | Mia Barbe-Willson
Banging on in the style of Caitlin Moran with lots of love and some bad puns As someone open about growing up on benefits and a great...
Mar 12, 20183 min read
I think I’ve found my rage! | Avani Varde
Last week, on the train home, I became a sexual assault statistic. It’s a weird feeling, a this-can’t-be-happening sort of feeling. At...
Feb 24, 20185 min read
Colourism in Asia | Sadia Ahmed
Throughout history, human beings have always been fairly tribal creatures, focusing on physical, linguistic, and geographical differences...
Feb 21, 20184 min read
TIRAH: Are we living in a post-racial society? | Yinka Aresa
From the title of this article you might already have an immediate answer of ‘No, we are not living in a post-racial society’ and maybe...
Jan 23, 20184 min read
The Good War | Gabriel Ivens
On August the 21st 2013, the Assad regime used rockets filled with Sarin gas to kill (at the smallest estimate) 500 civilians in Ghouta,...
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