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Zodiac Mythos: Comforting Fiction or Psychological Fact? | Adele Lepinay

My first interaction with horoscopes was when I was in secondary school and completely bored in music class. I found out about my rising moon and sun, why I acted the way I did in certain circumstances and inevitably, why I was still single. Many thanks to Google for telling me why people didn’t like me. Much appreciated.

According to Vogue, one must know all about their astrology in order to live “an exasperated life full of energy”. Very hippie for Vogue. On the other hand, philosophers at Cambridge University agreed that astrology is a pseudoscience. It lacks evidence and fails to meet the criterium of scientific methodology. However, there is still a part of us which wants to believe that our fate is predetermined by the day we are born. Probably because it's way easier to let the internet guide you through your life than actually make those decisions yourself.

For some, astrology plays a major role in everyday life. Mayans, a Mesoamerican civilisation, based primarily in Columbia, have based their calendar on astronomical observations. I found my sign, the crocodile sign, and discovered that this was very much like zodiac signs. Where my strengths and weaknesses were shown (very similar to those of my western zodiac sign) as well as my skills and future prospectives (apparently I would make for a fantastic wife).

What became clearer and clearer to me was that astrology was extremely vague, easily applied to anyone whilst also making you feel seen and understood. However, a couple of days ago, when I was going through my daily YouTube screentime, I found a video of actor Ncuti Gatwa, most renowned for his role in Sex Education, who claimed that an essential item he couldn't live without was his astrology “bible” book. He spoke about how astrology was loosely referenced in certain Shakespeare plays and the Bible; “If God and Shakespeare are fans of astrology then who are you not to be?” So maybe explaining our failures is a sort of confirmation therapy that we all need.

All in all, I believe astrology to be a topic there if we need it; that could be if we just need a little extra push to begin something or if we need it to remedy our incredible boredom at the airport. Please don’t base your whole life on astrology, because at the end of the day, everyone and anyone is able to write about when they think you are going to get married or when you will next be in hospital.

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